Designing two big merch drops per year, we look at what our customers are buying and develop new ranges which will compliment our brand campaigns as well as feel relevant and iconic to our core Camden fans. We try to create items which highlight the most loved brand elements which we work with throughout the year.
Designing the assets for our annual Tank Party. We work with an array of suppliers and manufacturers to create everything from signage to event specific merch. The toolkit is created (in this instance with an independent illustrator) and then each creative asset is designed individually to utilise the artwork in the best way.
When art directing our lifestyle shoots, there's a challenge of striking a balance to create fun (but not too fun), aspirational (but not too aspirational) visual content. As a brand Camden has always found a creative direction which feels contemporary and playful. Using various textures accompanied by bright but soft lighting allows the bold, friendly colour palette of the core Camden packaging to shine through as the hero of the image.
When developing the art direction for our studio shoots, we always like to dial up the playful, unexpected approach. these shoots use more vibrant colours to compliment the product being shot whilst still allowing it to stand out clearly. We use simple props to personify the product to bring it to life in its own surreal little world.
CAMDEN TOWN BREWERY packaging design chilly ipa
At Camden, we create two 'Seasonals' per year. These are limited edition products that are sold in a variety of places in the Off Trade as well as the Camden Beer Hall. The visual design begins from the name of the product and the style of the lager or ale. By creating a strong graphic typographic treatment, we then develop a series of icons to compliment the name and help to tell the story of the product. These are then applied to a variety of assets that changes each time depending on the project.
CAMDEN TOWN BREWERY website - creative direction
The challenge for this project was to update our old brand website. To edit and update the existing content and develop a design and experience which felt functional yet fresh. We wanted the Camden Town Brewery online world to feel like more of a lifestyle. With this in mind, we focused more on lifestyle photography which was shot in and around the brewery. We also created a set of stickers primarily for the website, to bring in the more functional messaging in a playful way.
From concept to storyboarding to working with the animation agency or freelance animator I work closely from draft to completion of the final asset to ensuring that the narrative of the story is told clearly and creatively.
CAMDEN TOWN BREWERY arsenal partnership
Working with brand partners is an exciting opportunity to speak to new Camden fans that we may not reach on our own. It's a great chance to produce new content and design creative that is aligned with both brand identities and still compliments both visual styles. Camden and Arsenal is an example of how two brands can work collaboratively to achieve a coherent and exciting body of work.
ODD branding
A sock brand that I began to develop. This enabled me to develop my skills as an art director and also focus some time on evolving my work in brand design. Specifically looking at use of colour, tone of voice and product styling.
MOONPIG rebrand
A selection of some of the creative content produced for Moonpig's brand refresh. Drawing, illustration, photography, packaging design, vehicle design, print design, gif animation, web design
MOONPIG art direction
A selection of some of the creative content produced for Moonpig's Mother's Day 2017 campaign.
MOONPIG valentine art direction
A selection of some of the creative content produced mainly for use across Moonpig's social channels, in the end a lot of the content ended up being used across the majority of the campaign.
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